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Werner Linking Pro Work Platform
Exc. VAT £102.06

Connect up to 4 work platforms together.


From stepladders to extension ladders, scaffold towers to Tallescopes.  Whatever your access needs we have the range and expertise to supply them. Whether it be a small stepladder to a 12m scaffold tower, large or small we are here to help.  We supply many brands such as Youngman, Zarges, Werner, Abru to name but a few.   We have a range of ladders, from a lightweight aluminium step for light trade use, to a heavy duty step for tradesmen who demand a robust and sturdy ladder, or a fibreglass GRP stepladder suitable for electrical trades, and everything in between.  A variety of scaffold manufacturers with alloy scaffold towers coming in different lengths, widths and heights, we have the solution for your access needs.  Available is both 3T through the trapdoor method scaffold towers and also advanced guardrail system AGR aluminium scaffold towers.